Application engineering

Meneta’s engineering team is offering application engineering services for noise and vibration damping products and composite coil material development. 

developing tomorrow's solutions

Both Meneta Composite Materials and Meneta Advanced Shim Technology are offering application engineering as a service for our customers. 

Highly skilled engineers are ready to assist our customers in developing better products.
Whether it concerns composite materials or noise and vibration challenges, our team can help create the best possible custom solution. 

We leverage our team’s deep understanding of each application’s unique challenges and requirements to create customized solutions that effectively address the specific issue.

expertise in noise and vibration damping

In addition, we work closely with our customers to understand their needs and challenges, ensuring that our solutions are tailored to their specific requirements. Our expertise in noise and vibration damping products and composite materials combined with our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction makes us the ideal partner for developing innovative solutions in a variety of industries.

At Meneta, we understand that every application has its unique challenges, which is why we offer a comprehensive range of application engineering services, including various material testing, and simulation. Our highly experienced engineers work closely with customers to develop custom solutions that effectively address pain points to make a better product.


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