Coil coating

At Meneta, we have specialized in rubber-coated coil materials with different properties for the sealing, damping, acoustics, and vibration insulation markets.

For our coil materials, we offer two different rubber coating technologies: calandering and liquid coating.


Calendering technology can be used to produce a wide range of rubber products for the general industry. Particularly fitted for applications that require sealing, damping, acoustics-, or vibration insulation solutions.

With our deep knowledge of the calendering process, we ensure that our coil material meets your desired specifications for durability, performance, and appearance.

Calendering technology

Calendered rubber is a continuous process where softened rubber is applied to steel by passing the rubber through heated hard steel rollers, known as calenders. The calenders are fed with rubber compound and serve to compress, smoothen, and form the rubber. Adjustments of pressure and speed will produce different thicknesses of rubber.

Benefits with calendered rubber

The final product is a rubber-steel composite coil of maximum width of 600 mm and a weight of 2 tons.

liquid coating

Our flexible production setup allows for rubber coating on different substrate types, such as paper or plastic liners in addition to rubber on steel.

Liquid coating technology

Liquid rubber coating is the process of applying a thin layer of rubber to a (customized) substrate through a continuous liquid coil coating process. This is followed by a vulcanization process to ensure that the materials have the correct properties according to customer specifications.  

Liquid coating opportunities

Your final product is a rubber- steel composite coil with a width of 600mm and a maximum weight of 3 tons

rubber type

Whether calendering or liquid coating is the optimal choice for your project, we offer NBR (nitrile butadiene rubber). With its superior performance and durability properties, we can cover a wide range of solutions for various applications. We apply NBR rubber from 20 µm up to 1 mm in thickness.


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