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MENETA GRoup global locations

Meneta Holding A/S (HQ)
Strandholtvej 49
DK-5270 Odense N
CVR. 25673948
Meneta Advanced Shim Technology A/S
Strandholtvej 49
DK-5270 Odense N
CVR. 26314089
Meneta Fineblanked Components ApS
Strandholtvej 49
DK-5270 Odense N
CVR. 36057505
Meneta Composite Materials ApS
Strandholtvej 49
DK-5270 Odense N
CVR. 39612291
Meneta Shanghai Co. Ltd.
No. 305
Gongyue Road
Baoshan District, 201901 Shanghai
Meneta Dalian Co. Ltd.
Gate 2, Lantian Container Yard
ZhanQian Street
Wujia, Jinzhou, Dalian 116100
Meneta Koblenz
Carl-Spaeter-Str. 2i
D-56070 Koblenz
Meneta North America LLC
39300 Country Club Drive
Farmington Hills, MI
Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd
Village Hasamabad P.O. Bahalgarh
Distt. Sonipat Haryana
131021, INDIA
Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.
Plot no. 49 and 66, Phase 5
Sec 53, HSIIDC, Kundli, Sonipat 131028
Haryana, India
Denmark, HQ
Meneta Holding A/S (HQ)
Strandholtvej 49
DK-5270 Odense N
CVR. 25673948
Meneta Advanced Shim Technology A/S
Strandholtvej 49
DK-5270 Odense N
CVR. 26314089
Meneta Fineblanked Components ApS
Strandholtvej 49
DK-5270 Odense N
CVR. 36057505
Meneta Composite Materials ApS
Strandholtvej 49
DK-5270 Odense N
CVR. 39612291
North America
Meneta North America LLC
39300 Country Club Drive
Farmington Hills, MI
Meneta Koblenz
Carl-Spaeter-Str. 2N
D-56070 Koblenz
Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd
Village Hasamabad P.O. Bahalgarh
Distt. Sonipat Haryana
131021, INDIA
Meneta Shanghai Co. Ltd.
No. 305
Gongyue Road
Baoshan District, 201901 Shanghai
Meneta Dalian Co. Ltd.
Gate 2, Lantian Container Yard
ZhanQian Street
Wujia, Jinzhou, Dalian 116100